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Update Free Rider Lite – New features!

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Calculus, Mar 28, 2020.


What do you think of this project?

  1. I love it!

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  1. Azgr00

    Azgr00 Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

  2. ShamatoZ

    ShamatoZ Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    It sounds cool, might give it a try in the future if I can
    Calculus and RadiumRC like this.
  3. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Refer to the other update message; updates will no longer require you to update the extension. Extension updates will be for extension popup ui upgrades and whatnot. I've already pushed the select tool update, no action on your client is required. You may need to hard refresh your page, but it should work normally. The fill option is a part of the select tool. I guess I should add a ui for that. In the meantime, here's what you can do:
    Hot keys;
    C: copy
    V: paste (I think)
    Delete: erase selected lines/powerups
    R: rotate selected lines
    Arrow Keys: move selected lines/powerups
    Escape and `: escape select (deselect)
    +: increase the value used to rotate/move selected lines/powerups
    -: Same thing as + but decreasing.

    I haven't memorized these hot keys, I could be wrong.
    LabibZaydandy and RadiumRC like this.
  4. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I'm not sure I understand, but likely not. Would you mind sharing screenshots or a recording?
    RadiumRC likes this.
  5. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    Hi calculus, I tried ur frhd lite extension but it doesnt work for me tho, idk why. Be4 3 or 4 months I was a regular user of ur extension which was great for me and I uninstalled it 4 sum reason, but I reinstalled the new "updated" extension but, it didnt work, I mean when i enable it , the frhd website doesnt respond, it just loads and hangs , if disabled it works fine, so i asked totoca12 abt this issue and hes also trying to resolve the problem , so i wanna just say this to u.
    Totoca12 and RadiumRC like this.
  6. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Ah, right. Believe I fixed this yesterday. Totoca12 already reached out to me and I found a solution. I don't remember whether or not I pushed the update. But it should be working. Try hard refreshing your page via ctrl + shift + R.
    RadiumRC, NiteRider and Totoca12 like this.
  7. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    And tht doesn't work too, I'm sure there's no problem with the extension cuz it works for u guys except me, so there cud be a fault in my chromebook and I'll look for it when possible
  8. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah, I pushed an update a few hours ago. It should be out within the next 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvinience.
    NiteRider, RadiumRC and Cerasium like this.
  9. Azgr00

    Azgr00 Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    I've tested the extension, but I can't change my bike to BMX at the editor, why?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
  10. Azgr00

    Azgr00 Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    RadiumRC likes this.
  11. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    Imagine, making a big track and losing its codes and u mistakenly refreshed it, mega cringe
  12. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 17.47.06.png
    can u see the syntax error written in red above? is that an issue?
    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 17.51.45.png
    josephhd and RadiumRC like this.

    INCINERATOR Well-Known Member Official Author


    Attached Files:

    CHARREDLIZARD21 and RadiumRC like this.
  14. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    Char: Eren
    Calculus: Colossus Titan
  15. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Those aren't the same files. Here's line 237 of Lite.js upload_2021-6-27_10-3-17.png
    No idea why you got a syntax error. Looks fine to me.
    RadiumRC likes this.
  16. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    do u know how to correct it?help
  17. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    Screenshot 2021-06-28 at 14.06.23.png
    line 237 for me shows like this
  18. Azgr00

    Azgr00 Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

  19. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    It must be the question mark. Some browsers or linters throw errors there. It's not a good practice. But I couldn't care less. I'll change it up later.
    RadiumRC, josephhd and NiteRider like this.
  20. NiteRider

    NiteRider Active Member Official Author

    so what should I do to correct the error, ik this is common, but any suggestions? This error can be found only in my chromebook, and when I get it from another pc, it looks similar but no syntax error
  21. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    bro just saw this. ;-;
    RadiumRC and Calculus like this.

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