1. Hey Guest, Volund just announced the TEAM DUATHLON CONTEST, that will be a mixed contest, involving ghosting and trackmaking, and also a part of the upcoming FRHD Teams season.

    Check it out here if you are interested!
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, go check the Ghosting Awards for July 2024 Click here to check it out.
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, there's a new important update regarding the user Duper.
Click here to check it out.

Update Forum Rules change regarding "dating"

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eryp, Apr 28, 2021.

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  1. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter

    Awarded Medals
  2. WheelieWaffle1

    WheelieWaffle1 Well-Known Member Official Author


    ITAYGOUDZ Active Member Official Author

    yaaaaaaa, he got banned ....
    FIREBEATS likes this.
  4. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter

    Awarded Medals
    Wonderful. Well done Eryp.
  5. Light_Sky

    Light_Sky Active Member Official Author

    woohoo Eryp :D
    MadMaxx21 and pawflix like this.

    ITAYGOUDZ Active Member Official Author

  7. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    yes no more people who are going to be like savagegamergod..... i hope

    ITAYGOUDZ Active Member Official Author

    lmao. she liked me.
  9. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    it was a he lol. he "liked" me to he liked everyone and even thou he said he liked me he still talked trash about me and i never ever liked him

    ITAYGOUDZ Active Member Official Author

    she told me for her she was she, and not he. ik hes bi.
  11. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    yeah hes bi but they only reason i know he is a he is because we were in a webex meeting i have and he would not turn off his cam.
    MadMaxx21 likes this.

    ITAYGOUDZ Active Member Official Author

  13. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    i told him how but he would not turn it off lol
    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  14. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    Eryp i have a question, what kind of ad is this lm.ao

    Attached Files:

    RubeGoldberger and MadMaxx21 like this.
  15. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    iTs TeLliNg Me tO sToP wIpIng My bUtT
    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  16. Obbyspeeder10

    Obbyspeeder10 Well-Known Member Official Author

    i think it scrapes your butt LMAO:rofl::rofl::rofl:
    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  17. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    lol i got this other ad yesterday it is supposed to be some spiderman game

    Attached Files:

    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  18. Obbyspeeder10

    Obbyspeeder10 Well-Known Member Official Author

    that is NOT a spider-man game. i'm not even gonna say what it IS for
    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  19. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    no i mean the charactor you can tell by the suit shes wearing. and yes i do know that its not a kids game and it very very inappropriate
    MadMaxx21 likes this.
  20. SeanPeyton

    SeanPeyton Well-Known Member Official Author

    the ads that freerider has now is so weird lol
    heyoweyo and MadMaxx21 like this.
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