1. Hey Guest, Volund just announced the TEAM DUATHLON CONTEST, that will be a mixed contest, involving ghosting and trackmaking, and also a part of the upcoming FRHD Teams season.

    Check it out here if you are interested!
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, go check the Ghosting Awards for July 2024 Click here to check it out.
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, there's a new important update regarding the user Duper.
Click here to check it out.

New Feature Pro Feature - Gift Coins

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. MyrraWolf

    MyrraWolf Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i've been playing this game for 4+ years and i never realized that :confused::rofl:
    RadiumRC likes this.
  2. 89yoyo

    89yoyo Active Member Official Author

    ....... i have been playing for nearly a year an i have!
    Chaos-Fallen, Blank_Guy and RadiumRC like this.
  3. MyrraWolf

    MyrraWolf Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    lol. I never bothered clicking on it, so I always thought I had pro lmaooo
    Blank_Guy and RadiumRC like this.




    hi dead chat
    Blank_Guy likes this.
  6. pawflix

    pawflix Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    "New Feature"
    It's sad how little this game is cared for.
  7. MadWithWheelies

    MadWithWheelies Active Member Official Author

    so you have to pay for pro to gift coins to others...
  8. Methodical

    Methodical Well-Known Member Official Author

    Blank_Guy likes this.

    HATEYOU Well-Known Member Official Author

    i want give away coins without pro status...ive got 200k pointless coins i want to give away but i cant...Unfortunately, your O2 / E-Plus account is not authorized for this purchase. whatever-.-
  10. Methodical

    Methodical Well-Known Member Official Author

    MAKE IT SO PEOPLE WHO DONT HAVE PRO CAN GIVE COINS AWAY its kinda give prizes away when you host contests without pro...
  11. we_are_number_one

    we_are_number_one Well-Known Member Official Author

    I had the same experience about a year ago lmao
  12. Cipher

    Cipher Active Member Official Author

    There used to be a thing where you could watch a video for 30 minutes of pro that’s how I gifted coins when I needed to Char pls bring this back
  13. a-Mario-a

    a-Mario-a Casual Member


    HATEYOU Well-Known Member Official Author

    im connected to facebook i have no promotion videos i can watch... i play promofree
  15. Vince0

    Vince0 Well-Known Member Official Author

    I wish I had pro
  16. DemonGamerx

    DemonGamerx Active Member Official Author

    I have pro heehehe
    Vince0 likes this.
  17. Vince0

    Vince0 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Light_Sky and DemonGamerx like this.
  18. Light_Sky

    Light_Sky Active Member Official Author

    Yo that's kinda lame lol I went to the store and bought one of the lil' $25 gift cards and paid for pro!✊✊✊✊✊✊
  19. DemonGamerx

    DemonGamerx Active Member Official Author

    Hehehe Me too! FOR FREE! Lmaooooo I didn't have to pay...I just had it when i first started lol
  20. Light_Sky

    Light_Sky Active Member Official Author

    DemonGamerx likes this.

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