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New New Year, New Rank

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by mR..A, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

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    No. You can change your status.
    Pie42 likes this.
  2. Auto_Man_XD

    Auto_Man_XD Well-Known Member Official Author

    Pie42 likes this.
  3. xwinx

    xwinx Well-Known Member VIP Official Author

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    do i not get it even tho im vip?:(
  4. Zycerak

    Zycerak Zycerak Elite Author Team Truck Rotten Flesh Official Author

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    you have to beg.
  5. gun

    gun Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    I think its more of a structured rank where if you get 3 features -> you get EA. where as vip is awarded to contest winners and outstanding players who are personal favorites of the admins. eg:
  6. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    you have like flippin' 5 feats this month xD, mR..A, you should, perhaps, be willing?
  7. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i'll update this and work on any changes some time this week

    i've seen that some people would like the banners to replace old ones, so if you earn VIP the banner for EA shouldn't be visible anymore. and seems that some want the limit for VIP raised or more difficult to achieve. do people have a number of feats in mind or should we leave it to a staff decision when we think it's been earned?

    i suppose if the criteria changes i might have to take the banner from some people so whatever move i make it might not please everyone, any thoughts are welcome :thumbsup:
    zwinxz, Rayb25, BenWright78 and 2 others like this.
  8. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    so how do u get vip? 5 feats?
    gun likes this.
  9. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

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    i've made a few changes to clean things up. originally i thought 3 feats for EA and 5 for VIP sounded like a decent option so i just ran with it, but i've seen some feedback and people have made some good points. so from now it's still 3 feats for EA, but VIP has gone back to the old criteria (contest winner or staff/vip decision based on achievements) unfortunately this means that i've had to take VIP from some people, hope you don't mind. but i do feel like VIP should be the most prestigious award on the game so i think it's fair

    for all the new EAs, nothing's changed. for the people who were VIP before the changes, i've removed the EA banner so it's more like a system of progression rather than collecting all the awards/ranks. definitely looks less cluttered too

    3 people have kept the VIP rank because i feel they deserve it - Ness alexander Cataclysm if there's any dispute let me know

    last thing, i'll keep trying for the new database icons. i can't add new features to the database so i'm just waiting on Char. i'll update again once i know more :thumbsup:
    dantexpress, Phase, DietFood and 16 others like this.
  10. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    i don't need to worry about any of that stuff because i don't have it
    DblU, Netsik and Anonyymi like this.
  12. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    alright :thumbsup:
  13. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

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    Agree with that
    Exylies likes this.
  14. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

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    I am a contest winner.
  15. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

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  16. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    lol thats slightly toxic (ok dont roast me) (cant do any better) xD
    Anonyymi, Zycerak and Elibloodthirst like this.
  17. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    going for some feats though
    Elibloodthirst likes this.

    INCINERATOR Well-Known Member Official Author

    Eli likes it because the thought of having that is so audacious and people like him get feats
    Elibloodthirst and Logeton like this.
  19. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    no worries, sorted :thumbsup:
    DietFood, Fluffysmack, Eryp and 3 others like this.
  20. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

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    INCINERATOR likes this.

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