Hey all, Just wanted to give a bit of an update, we have been head down on getting a new shop in place with head gear based on the initial reaction of the pumpkin head. We will be adding 2 new daily achievements as well to help earn coins by playing. Players can currently purchase coins on Facebook and we plan to release something similar to Web, where players that purchase coins will get FRHD+ for a period of time that will disable ads as well as some other perks. The 2 new daily achievements we are planning to add are as follows: - THE CHALLENGER - send out 10 race challenges - SWAG - buy something from the shop We will likely be releasing the shop with <20 head gear items and go from there. Other than that, we are coming up on FRHD's going public birthday, back in December 11th 2013 we removed IP blocking from FreeRiderHD.com which meant that anyone that could find the game could play it (it wasn't until mid-January that we officially promoted it as public). Since then here are some stats that some of you have been asking for: +5-million play sessions (+10-min duration) +500k sign ups (we crossed 500k a while ago and are getting pretty close to the next milestone so stay tuned ) And a lot of the growth has been occurring since September which is exciting to see. So thanks for being a part of the Free Rider HD community!
Nope you read it wrong! There is only 1 virtual currency in FRHD and that is coins. You can either play for them through daily achievements + campaigns (wanting to add lifetime achievements that will reward author contributions etc) AND/OR if you feel inclined to donate to the game (keep the servers running, pay for us developers, support new features in the game, just to say thanks, remove ads, etc) then you can buy a coin pack.
Not yet on the web. We have a couple things we need to get in place first. The plan would be to have that follow shortly as we would like to give people a way to disable ads while still supporting the game.
Things in the shop may seem a bit pricey and we may/will balance/tweak some things as time goes on. But we want to make some things "easy" to get and some things more difficult. As always we will listen to, respond and take action on feedback as appropriate.
Are all items in the shop coinbased? Or will there also be special gear for example for completing the first 5 campaigns with only gold medals?