Update New Moderator - Mr..a

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Stig, Apr 24, 2018.

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  1. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    Playing the game isn’t their job. Also, Kano has other properties they have to avert their attention to: Mob Wars, Pirate Clan, Viking Clan, Zombie Slayer, etc. I’ve never played them, but I assume someone does.
    Whisk and Stevie.T like this.
  2. Coated_Badger

    Coated_Badger Coager Elite Author Team Truck Official Author

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    this is possibly one of the most pointless arguments of all time. calculus, no one cares what your opinion is. everyone who responded to calculus. why tf are you getting involved in what is the most pointless arguments of all time? <o/ dab cuz Im cringy
    Spirits and hmmmtodayiwill like this.
  3. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

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    welcome to the team :D
    MeanMouse, Totoca12, Calculus and 2 others like this.
  4. hmmmtodayiwill

    hmmmtodayiwill Well-Known Member

    Eric works for Kano Mitch does deserve to be offed and bobbyjames also works on making the game and Kano you might as well say that remove maxoo7x because he wasn’t on 2 minutes ago
  5. Skeeny

    Skeeny Well-Known Member Official Author

    A much better post from Max007x (rather than this negativity from other people). Stahp
    In better news:
    Congrats man! mR..A
    Totoca12 and hmmmtodayiwill like this.
  6. NicolasColtonBirdie

    NicolasColtonBirdie Casual Member Official Author

  7. genericusername

    genericusername Well-Known Member Official Author

    Stig helllo, want to collab!?
    Ethanlin80 likes this.
  8. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

  9. hmmmtodayiwill

    hmmmtodayiwill Well-Known Member

  10. hmmmtodayiwill

    hmmmtodayiwill Well-Known Member

    Gotta be honest though you do take things to seriously and yo kinda did say it was their job no offense or anything
  11. hmmmtodayiwill

    hmmmtodayiwill Well-Known Member

    Sorry may not have looked close enough
  12. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    Guys, we got a badass in this thread.
  13. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

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    thanks for bringing me in Stig Char Max007x happy to help

    pssst easy man, even working 6 days a week and spending time with friends and family i can find an hour or 2 before i go to sleep

    thanks! Skeeny

    to anyone concerned about my “inactivity” don’t stress. i might not post all the time or upload tracks really anymore but i do browse the site for some time every day, and i will be able to respond to people and get things done

    if anyone spots something that needs addressing, spam or inappropriate tracks etc let me know
    FIREBEATS, Logeton, Maple and 9 others like this.
  14. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yeah, I saw somebody eating their chicken salad without any ranch.
  15. Stevie.T

    Stevie.T Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

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  16. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

    haha funny DAE have no reason to be alive LOL humor!!
  17. Stevie.T

    Stevie.T Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

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    Eryp likes this.
  18. Sassasin

    Sassasin Casual Member Official Author

    great job mR..A on being the new mod thats awsome
  19. cctvcctvcctv

    cctvcctvcctv Well-Known Member

    I always assumed that the forums mods that weren't also staff members of kano, e.g. max and stig, were volunteers and therefore not paid. The whole mod thing was just some online thing, while they had other real jobs.
  20. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

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    this is the case?
    Totoca12, cctvcctvcctv and Osiris like this.
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