That's right, young man, you can keep on frowning and there is no sufficient and extendable way to solve it. You're gonna have to try a different powerup or play a different game that has a teleportation powerup in it. SOOOORRYYYYY!!!!!!!
Not until you make no less than 30 tracks as each should be created in more than 1000 KB and should be completed by winning more than 10 records and earn no less than 10000 points. That's a recommended requirement for all.
Okay, I cannot stand the fact that you guys have too much supervision nonsense over this. A "glider" terminator, first of all, Char has screwed up my powerups I've imagined about and it didn't at all work, as now he had just replaced to a helicopter powerup, which is boringly uncomfortable and unstable for me and is unlike the glider. So if you guys wanted me to talk to him for assistance of unlocking the teleportation powerup, I might choose to say to him, "Hey Char, can you please show me how to become an official author to unlock the teleportation powerup?", and Char will just go, "Not telling you.", just like the way he told me not to talk about the glider powerup I was thinking about. So I now chose not to talk to him. Like I'm telling you guys, the OA requirements you guys are seeming to make to me and the other FRHD users didn't make it simple, at all. And I don't care if you guys don't care either; it's as wrong as it always gets, believe it or not. So don't come to me telling me that I must pass the correct but difficult requirements like the requirements I was doing in Ms. Carr's language arts class, and telling me a single way to become an official author for good; like I always tell you and other people, I am NOT a perfect direction follower, and I am not an incredible master at the FRHD tracks I play. So Char, my game designer, cannot assist and count on me because he doesn't trust and believe me that I wanted an imaginary powerup of a glider. He always restricts my thread-posting privileges about the glider powerup and other imaginary variants of it, unlike the teleportation powerup. And now that he didn't follow me, I'm not following him and will no longer be talking to him as usual. So I cannot listen to all this nonsense of difficulties being an official author from you. I don't know what Char else gives me, so I'm not going to listen to your statements. So quit telling me that my tracks should and must be perfect, as well as the highest levels I must make. And still don't say that you and your friends don't care. I am sick of it and that should not depend on the difficulty. That's the whole reason why I spammed this thread for a ton of other reasons of unlocking the teleportation powerup. So stop it already and be yourself an official phucking author, how about that.
I didn't mean it quite like that. I mean, look at shadoweagle's tracks. And then notice that he's an OA. Like, what?
I hope you do mean my spamming thread like that. Like, looking at shadoweagle's and other user's tracks that always relate to the teleportation powerup everybody puts in tracks not only keeps getting me way more creative than it usually does, but also gives me a bigger but worse habit than I thought it did. I'm serious, this always looks like and reminds me of making a Mario Kart 7 custom tracks, such, for example, as Coloring Bookway. Being an official author that fast for experts in FRHD rather than just me makes my life feel tricky, troubled and even underweight, whether you like it or not. This in turn is why I don't like being perfect at all things at once. AND I AM NOT A PERFECT GUY I TOLD YOU!!!
If you want OA so badly, go and make good tracks and stop whining. My tracks are trashy af and I still somehow scraped oa, its not that hard
I would shut up if ur being a brat and saying I need OA I don’t Have OA añd I have 22 sub and I put effort into my tracks and u don’t see me being a brat
Exactly that’s y u suck at making track and need to STOP SPAMMING, STOP WHINING, AND MAKE YOUR TRACK GOOD. Because your tracks take like 2 seconds to make.