Update Campaign Update - some good new + bad news

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    'tis true, 'tis true.
    Elibloodthirst likes this.
  2. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    My my it happened again. I loaded up the page and saw this and nearly freaked. 'Tis a shame it happened again.
    Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 8.47.55 PM.png
    Elibloodthirst and LukeSpecogna like this.
  3. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Are they just playing with us now? :p They're 3 hours of said schedule.
    Cryogenic and LukeSpecogna like this.
  4. LukeSpecogna

    LukeSpecogna Well-Known Member Official Author

    A wise man once said "Patience is a virtue"
  5. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Oh I know :) Doesn't the ":p" Show that I am joking :/
    LukeSpecogna likes this.
  6. LukeSpecogna

    LukeSpecogna Well-Known Member Official Author

    Elibloodthirst likes this.
  7. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    I wasn't logged on :confused:
    Elibloodthirst likes this.
  8. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Go and check! They're out!!!!!
  9. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
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  10. ThreeAreFour

    ThreeAreFour Well-Known Member Official Author

  11. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Sorry guys, one of the webservers didn't update which is why campaigns kept disappearing. Should be all fixed now.
    Cryogenic likes this.
  12. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Do you know who the original author is? We can transfer it over to that person.

    All classic tracks added were ones that received more than 1 (in most cases +5) votes / nominations.
  13. ThreeAreFour

    ThreeAreFour Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'm not sure, but TracksMaker has only 3 tracks and the other two are commonly copied on this site. Of his three tracks, I can confirm one: his copy with the original being made by I-LOVE-DIRT. (CR is down so I can't link it.)
  14. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

  15. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah it's stolen but it's one of those tracks where it was stolen so many times that it's hard to locate where but I do remember it was uploaded onto TM first.
  16. Mr_Snoogley

    Mr_Snoogley Well-Known Member Official Author

  17. Sono

    Sono Well-Known Member Official Author

    Couldn't help but notice how off the high scores are on the campaigns when you've completed the track before the track was in the campaign.
    On Cops for example, my high score is actually 42 seconds, meanwhile the game is telling me it is 45 seconds (even though I'm racing my 42 second ghost). Just a small bug I thought I would tell you about.
    Eric Char .
  18. Joelbmx

    Joelbmx Well-Known Member Official Author

    Haha, I don't think its that guys either. The halfpipe track on that guys profile is stolen, so chances are he stole that cops track too. original is by this guy http://www.freeriderhd.com/u/liamanderson1912/created
    Elibloodthirst likes this.
  19. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Ya, there has been much internal debate with this.

    The best time on the leaderboard is your world best time / best ghost. Since these campaign tracks exist as a world track you may have played it before.
    When in campaign mode, all stats within the game window reflects your campaign progress, so your best time with respect to campaign. What is now confusing is that it loads your best time world ghost, which is helpful to try to get a new best but confusing since you may be in a situation where you haven't beaten it in campaign mode or posted a slower time.
  20. Sono

    Sono Well-Known Member Official Author


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