Update Dec 2017 - Development and Developer Update

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

    yah i know its just i want the horse head and its SO EXPENSIVE
  2. Bikerchicken

    Bikerchicken Active Member Official Author

    lol dont buy it then
  3. TallTexan

    TallTexan Active Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    can you update the offline editor for the grid size adjuster ??
    DblU and Osiris like this.
  4. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

  5. TallTexan

    TallTexan Active Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I have a question: if you make it to where i can delete my tracks, can I delete some of them from this account and re-upload them on my alternate account?
  6. Bikerchicken

    Bikerchicken Active Member Official Author

    i have an idea! Char you can make it so the creator of the track and ONLY the creator can copy the code of their already published tracks! :)
    1MPER1AL_116 and DizzyCircles like this.
  7. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

  8. Osiris

    Osiris Well-Known Member Official Author

    This wasn't supposed to be a thing and you aren't supposed to know how to get it.
  9. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

    idk ninjasparkour managed to somehow reclaim a track i had published as a preview, but didn't save the code and he found it and gave it to me¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    LOVEYGAMERYT Casual Member Official Author

    I love this update and can I be an official author I really love this game

    LOVEYGAMERYT Casual Member Official Author

    Can you send me a friend req
  12. Slayed

    Slayed Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    When are these new hats coming tho
    Grenade_Guy likes this.
  13. Grenade_Guy

    Grenade_Guy Member Official Author

    I don't know... I hope there coming soon though! Char When are they coming though?
  14. fantomeblacktree

    fantomeblacktree Active Member Official Author

    Hats are definitely the priority lol
    Ishu and weem like this.
  15. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

    stop asking
  16. fantomeblacktree

    fantomeblacktree Active Member Official Author

    A lot of people would love to eat Mcdonald every day. But the day you'll give them something actually good to eat, they will reconsider their taste.
    Antigravity, teleporters, and the old cp system were - I believe - good game design choices, and they gave the game more depth. The game was suddendly more interesting to play, and gave a whole new dimension to track-making.

    It all depends on what you want the game to be : a terrible brand that sells virtual hats like french fries at a macdonald, or an interesting game that embrace the creativity of its players.
    FRHD is mostly played by kids. I believe the game carries a significant responsability towards them.

    I had the opportunity to talk a bit to char a few months ago. I hope the team didn't loose its focus on what is actually important.
    Ultraviolet and JerryAxi like this.
  17. TallTexan

    TallTexan Active Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    That just proves people are crasy and don't know what they want
  18. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

    i want.............food
  19. Zycerak

    Zycerak Zycerak Elite Author Team Truck Rotten Flesh Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    yea but hats are cool
    Slayed likes this.
  20. DizzyCircles

    DizzyCircles Well-Known Member Official Author

    true, but some are sooooooo expensive

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