So a track where the rider just drops to the star will be labeled Hold up, auto, Hold left, Hold right, hold whatever buttons you like, etc.? Edit; nope, I tested it. Edit 2.0; in conclusion of seeing my track and the two copies by Legendary_Rider and Phase , it scans for auto first
No, it is saved, but I was working on it all night and then I accidentally pressed delete on the tab.
this is my subscriptions page (obviously) this is the trending (obviously) notice how (for example) on neutralized track (some greek stuff) in subscriptions its rated nothing, but in trending its rated auto. bug? or just a flaw? Eric (P.S. my subscriptions are my choice. please dont criticize me for my subscription choices)
Hey np man. Just saw it and it just got me thinking. Good that u fixed it, and have the capabilities to do that
Char Eric i think a good feature would be a display of whether you've played the track or not also as a side note, one of my tracks has been almost exactly copied 3 times now and all those copies have gotten more ratings than the original. There should be a system for calling out and deleting copies. For example: Heres the original Heres one of the copies thats trending atm
question? why dont you trust the community to have the option to select what type of track it is when they are in the prossess of publishing the track