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Question Free Rider Mobile Beta

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    Hey guys. We need your help!

    We are going to select a small group of people to test out a beta version of the app. Currently its easiest to do betas on android , so that's what we are going to do.

    Within the next couple of weeks I will give those who qualify a link to test the app.

    Those who want in please post what device you have.

    Currently the mobile version will do the following.
    - Load random tracks , sourced online using an algorithm to filter for mobile friendly tracks.

    (This algorithm will include completion times, completion rate, track size etc)
    - Buy Inventory, Win Inventory (through minigame slot machine)
    - Clicking on freeriderhd.com track link on browser will open the app and load the track.
    - Leaderboards though google play & iOS Game Centre
    - Achievements though google play & iOS Game Centre

    Future updates

    - Searching for tracks
    - User account login
    - Loading ghosts

    This app is still using web technologies it is not native code , performance may vary. It's the only way we can get the game to play like the game you love.

    Iv refactored the main free rider core code to use partial WebGL, and performance has improved a lot.

    Constantly learning, constantly improving.

    Here is an OLD video of some of the progress we have. (Don't pay attention to the stats / numbers etc, a lot of it is fake data).
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  2. InTheSavce

    InTheSavce Well-Known Member Official Author

    please please please let me test it Char :) i was really negative about it so i hope i can test it to see if i was wrong. im on Samsung Galaxy J1.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    Kryptonix, TheExtreamRider and COLD like this.
  3. WyattStonhouse

    WyattStonhouse Well-Known Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Darn the only time I wish I had an android. Iphone 6
  4. qwerty_mat

    qwerty_mat Active Member

    Totally in! I got a Samsung s5. I think I actually use mobile more over computer anyways... I enjoy playing on both but have more access to mobile over pc or laptop. Oh and uhh Char how is Eric doing?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
    Kryptonix and TheExtreamRider like this.
  5. qwerty_mat

    qwerty_mat Active Member

    I also think if this gets big enough it will give the community a lot more to offer in terms of in app purchases and such. Also when I'm playing on mobile and people notice that I'm playing they ask me "You can get that on your phone?" or "How did you get that on your phone? I can only play that on my computer." I think if you do decide to add it to the Play Store or AppStore and it gets out there I think it will give us the opportunity to charge up the game both on mobile and laptop/pc.
  6. darksmoke11

    darksmoke11 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I'd like to beta test it, got an s6
  7. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Will featured tracks be on the track list?
    Kryptonix, TheExtreamRider and COLD like this.
  8. Derpicus

    Derpicus Casual Member

    I've got a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Char
    Kryptonix, TheExtreamRider and Char like this.
  9. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Samsung galaxy j7
    Kryptonix, TheExtreamRider and Char like this.
  10. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Lol true.

    I would love to test it once you have a beta for iOS! I have an iPad Air 2.
  11. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    Edit. Added more to post.
  12. F1n1sh

    F1n1sh Well-Known Member Official Author

    Ipad air 2 :(
    Kryptonix, TheExtreamRider and Char like this.
  13. Parasite

    Parasite Well-Known Member Official Author

    I currently have the Samsung Galaxy S3 but plan to upgrade around black friday time
  14. Osiris

    Osiris Well-Known Member Official Author

    Char can you put making tracks there too
    Kryptonix and PSplays like this.
  15. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    We may add this if it does okay :)
    Kryptonix, Osiris and PSplays like this.
  16. zeke15

    zeke15 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Char I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 (not the edge) running android 6.0.1. I'd be happy to test it, just let me know what kind of feedback you want. Great work on this stuff!
    Kryptonix and Skeeny like this.
  17. Littahbug

    Littahbug Member

    Iphone 6, look Char no one hates you, its just tons of rumors have been going on and I got banned for it
    Kryptonix likes this.
  18. Osiris

    Osiris Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yay! Im getting an Android in Feb so I can't test it :((
    Kryptonix likes this.
  19. Solomonster

    Solomonster Member Official Author

    samung galaxy s3 mini
    Kryptonix likes this.
  20. viiruMIAIMIAU

    viiruMIAIMIAU Well-Known Member Official Author

    Would love to test, ive got a LG Spirit 4G LTE

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