Here is a preview of what is to come. New Curve Tool For those wondering how it works. A curved line must be broken up into line segments as shown in the following picture. Hopefully this will positively impact the quality of tracks created . Thoughts ? Edit In addition to this, more zooming capabilities and smoother zooming is coming.
This will make the current hard work that track authors put into their curves pointless. If someone so much as made a slight mistake in their curve without using this tool, newbies will look down on it even though the majority of them can't make a ramp with more than six lines using the straight line tool. It essentially takes us one step closer to track making becoming talentless, which in turn makes truly impressive tracks become ignored, but other than that it's fine and will even be a useful tool. No more of the earlier mentioned six-or-less-lines ramps.
That may be true as far as talent of making ramps, but you have to think about the overall quality of tracks on the site. Track creators will now be able to focus their talents elsewhere, rather than spending 30 minutes to do what this tool does in 3 seconds. Good tracks will always be good tracks.
I understand 3r4nd0n 's point But I also think this is a very cool innovation, I like all the effort you guys are putting into this game
I like this, but I'm also waiting for the zoom scale to increase. That will also improve track quality.
You know, I actually like this. I always though that drawing smooth curves was the most boring part of making a track. This puts the focus more on level design and detail which imo is a good thing !
more zoom! You have a point, but think about it. you will still have to work to make tracks. there is no automatic detail (Fortunately). and also think about the site. this innovation will make FRHD more popular with the newbies. which in turn will give the mods reason to make it even BETTER
Exactly! We are aware of the communities concerns and are being careful to not "destroy" or "wreck" what makes Free Rider great to the current community. For example, there have been suggestions of "adding blood" or "adding color". Both are things that seem cool and may work for other games but isn't necessarily right for Free Rider. That being said, we want to enable authors with an editor that will allow them to great Free Rider tracks, hitting some of the pain points like creating smooth curves so that focus can be put on level design and detail. Talented authors that have skill in drawing will always outshine those with their creativity and detail but hopefully with this curve tool we will see less squiggly lines at a less experienced track authors attempt to a first track that will encourage him or her to continue developing into a decent author instead of quitting in frustration.
I will probably never end up using this tool. Making curved lines is easy for me, and this tool takes away the creativity and uniqueness of my track. I have to say though, it's a pretty cool tool. PS. That zoom.. <3
im gonna have to get better at detail, cause when this tool comes out, everyone will be able to make smooth tracks as well:/ Im gonna go take some art classes
I too think I will rarely use this But it is still cool I am interested in how well it can make a half pip though but one thing is it won't make the best landings It might be good for the take off but you will be able to tell if someone put in the effort to make an old style ramp I think it is good for the community and you can use it or not, it's up to you
Alright who is responsible for making the red dot more accurate?? You thought I wouldn't notice that didn't you Well I did! and I like it