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If you are interested in ghosting, the Ghosting Awards for January 2025 has just been announced:

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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    and also, i am wish i had award
    Cerasium likes this.
  2. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    i am the okayest spacebarrer
    Sidewalk and Cerasium like this.
  3. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    you can get it if you keep grinding :thumbsup:
    Egway likes this.
  4. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    hmmmmmm ok yay
    i have played for 1 year
    TPlacella and Cerasium like this.
  5. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    grind features and find new routes and better strategies and you can get 1st place someday
    Egway likes this.
  6. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    Cerasium likes this.

    HATEYOU Well-Known Member Official Author

    havent seen any ghosts this year xD
    Cerasium likes this.
  8. DemonGamerx

    DemonGamerx Active Member Official Author

    Let go sidewalk!
    Totoca12 and Cerasium like this.
  9. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

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    Let or let’s?
  10. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Also cool stuff idk why I didn’t see this appreciate it
    Cerasium and Totoca12 like this.

    ICREATETRACKSFORFUN Well-Known Member Official Author

    im the best end of story
    Cerasium likes this.

    ICREATETRACKSFORFUN Well-Known Member Official Author

    how come uh whats his name isnt in it
    madara? what happened to him
    Cerasium likes this.
  13. DemonGamerx

    DemonGamerx Active Member Official Author

    Totoca12, Cerasium and Sidewalk like this.

    HATEYOU Well-Known Member Official Author

    on the way to unleash jubi ô.O
    Cerasium likes this.
  15. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    MARCH 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - RadiumRC - We had a tough battle for the first place last month. Both RadiumRC and Anonyymi had really solid performances, so it was hard to pick between them. We ended up choosing RadiumRC, because outside the 3 great new featured ghosts he got in the month he also had some really crazy suggestions (we'll talk about one of them later). Also, in the most epic ghosting battle we had in the past months (maybe years, lol) between Anonyymi, Cerasium, Sidewalk, RedOrBlue and RadiumRC on Offroad Legends, RadiumRC came out as the winner, with a really impressive ghost. So, since he was the one that got the most features in the month, he was active, joined and won some ghosting battles, we think it's fair to give him his 4th Ghoster of the Month 1st place award. He has been in the top 3 for 5 months in a row now and now with his 4th win he's joining Cerulean and Cerasium as the players who got the most 1st Place Ghoster Of The Month awards ever. Congrats!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Anonyymi - What a great comeback! We know you are around sometimes and does some good ghosts, but this month was actually one of the coolest ones you had in ghosting probably in years! Joined some epic ghosting battles, did some good ghosts that people suggested in the thread and had a relatively active month overall. In technical terms, you only got 1 feature, but you beat 2 ghosts that were old features from Symantec that will most likely to be featured (like 99% of chance right now, lol) and still had some other good months, so congrats! You got a Ghost Of The Month award once and had some shoutouts in some months, but this is actually your first time in a Top 3 Ghoster Of The Month award. Congrats, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Egway - Give it up for one of the most surprising ghosters for the past couple of months! After getting a shoutout last month, it's finally the time fo Egway (formely known as Trikflip) to get in the Top 3 Ghosters Of The Month. Although it's a cool one, it wasn't an easy decision to make. The biggest contender was ShamatoZ, that also had a really good month, but since the performances were similar, we went for some small details that made Egway stand out more. First of all he beat the oldest fast featured ghost in the thread, beating unspoken's ghost on Contest Entry, so that was already iconic. Besides this trial feature, Egway was also able to steal a offroad featured ghost from Cerasium, which is no small feat. Besides that, he also had a really dope vehicle suggestion with his ghost on Hot Cheetos (that we'll be reviewing soon), so we decided to choose Egway for the 3rd place in the month. Congrats for your debut in the Ghosting Awards! With your 2 features, good suggestions and also the fact that you got your Recognized Ghoster medal last month we feel like you deserved this spot. Keep improving!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to ShamatoZ, that also got 2 features and had some cool suggestions. Nicely done! We also had guys like Embers and TheMemeBiker being kinda active with suggestions, Xenom having some cool ghosts and already getting a feature in the beginning of April, RedOrBlue, Cerasium and Sidewalk joining some of the ghosting battles and doing well and also Tubiek, that got a feature and lost it last month, but did have some cool suggestions throughout the month. Stevie.T also got a dope feature, so good job as well. Keep it up, guys!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/885967-0007/r/radiumrc - Yeah, we had some other great ghosts like RadiumRC's ghost on the mining facility, Anonyymi's ghost on malice and RadiumRC's ghost on Parallel, but we got in the fence with two other ghosts. From one side we had RadiumRC's ghost on 0007, that was absolutely insane, maybe one of the best ghosts ever, super technical, but that we didn't even have featured or reviewed yet, in a track made by RadiumRC himself. In the other side we had RadiumRC's ghost on Offroad Legends that was the final outcome of a ghosting battle that lived up to the name of the track. Some offroad legends fought for the crown there and RadiumRC was once again the winner. After a couple of days of discussion between the team and some guests (me, RadiumRC, Anonyymi, Chaos-Fallen, Eryp and Calculus), we decided to give the award to the ghost on 0007 because it's absolutely insane and really hard to be replicated. With this award, RadiumRC also reaches his 4th Ghost Of The Month award (the new all-time record for this award), making his 4th double win (winning both the Ghoster Of The Month award and the Ghost Of The Month award in the same month), which keeps him as the player with the most double wins ever as well. Congrats once again to you, RadiumRC! Epic job!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
    Uniior, Cerasium, RadiumRC and 7 others like this.
  16. Egway

    Egway Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I made it!
  17. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    wowow congrats on making the Best Ghoster top 3 man!!! Your hard work on getting feat ghosts are paying off
    supporting you all the way ;););)
    Cerasium, Egway, Sidewalk and 2 others like this.
  18. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Started from not in the top 3 now you’re in the top 3 ay
    TheMemeBiker, Cerasium, Egway and 2 others like this.
  19. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    anonyymi for the win!!!
    Blank_Guy, Sidewalk, Totoca12 and 2 others like this.
  20. Tubiek

    Tubiek Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    i kinda made it nice

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